Where are you in your life with Jesus?

The Spiritual Formation Institute is specifically designed to connect you with this dynamic journey of knowing Jesus Christ and the abundant life He offers.

Watch the video above to get a glimpse of The Retreat Experience.

Have questions? Visit our FAQs.

“I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10

What are you looking for?

You were made for God and He equipped you with a deep capacity to respond to Him, to know and be known, to love and be loved!

Do you want to go deeper?

The growing day to day experience between you and Jesus becomes over your lifetime the (source of) abundant life you desire and Jesus came to give.

Where are you in your life with Jesus?

Are you hungry to know Jesus more personally, going beyond simply knowing about Him to knowing Him in day to day experience?

  • “SFI was a space to explore God’s love for me, not just through learning, but through experiences with solitude, prayer, community and worship. I now walk through life with more peace about who I am, who God is, and how we interact together in everyday life.”

    ~ Year three

  • “During the first year of the SFI Retreat, I was able to accept that my relationship and journey with Christ was my own and that He would meet me right where I was. I am excited to continue in Year 2 to see where He leads me.”

    ~ Year one

  • “Not only has my relationship and dependence on Christ flourished, my family and partners in ministry have acknowledged my spiritual growth. I’ve come to realize that what I’d been searching for in my Christian walk was up on the mountain the whole time! I will value and utilize these tools and practices for a lifetime.”

    ~ Year two

We invite you to engage

The Spiritual Formation Institute is offered through the Renewing Life Center. It's specifically designed to connect you with this dynamic journey of knowing Jesus Christ and the abundant life He offers.

Have questions? Visit our FAQs.